Lately it seems like we've gotten alot of debian/ubuntu issues answered, so I figured I'd post mine

I've got a ubuntu router (old ppc G4) which runs shorewall. My old router was a huge power sucking dell 2650. I've got svn and a few other bits of useful data on the PowerEdge. So, I figured why not use the WOL this server supports, and create scripts to turn it on in the middle of the night for the pcs in my house to run backups. However, after getting everything setup (I think?), it doesn't answer to any "magic packets"
I've installed ethtools on the 2650, running "ethtool eth0" gives me...
Supports Wake-on: g
Link detected: yes
Followed with "ethtool -s eth0 wol g", which gives me...
Supports Wake-on: g
Wake-on: g
Link detected: yes
After this, I'll shutdown the server with either shutdown -h now or halt.
Then I'll send a magic packet from each program (etherwake, wakeonlan, a few windows command line apps), walk down 3 floors, and look at a powered down server. Hit the button, go back up stairs look at a bunch of files and try again.
Oh yea, I found I needed to edit the "/etc/init.d/halt" script and enable the nic to remain active after shutdown, but it didn't change the symptoms.