You've cleared that up, and now I understand where you were coming from. That doesn't mean I agree with the decision. But then, I don't have to agree. You're a moderator, I'm not.
Well, no. The only person who deserves that type of deference is Tom. I just "work" here. My actions need to have approval of the community at large, or I shouldn't be among those policing it.
But just to make it "clear as an unmuddied lake," I understand that you censored the post in an effort to prevent a flame war.
Cool. That's the message I was trying to get across.
I guess I was just trying to point out that we should give Billy the benefit of the doubt. I know he's got a history, maybe more than one, of trolling. But if we always assume that anything he says is flame-bait, we'll never get anywhere.
For a variety of reasons, I disagree. I'm going to leave it at that.
I hope there are no hard feelings. Even if it had been that you found it offensive, I wouldn't have taken issue with your view, just your approach. I think our differences just stem from the fact that I have an extremely high tolerance for fücked up points of view. 
So, tell me, which views are the fucked up ones, and which are the "normal" ones? Can a "fucked up" person have relations with a "normal" person?