It also ensures that I get to see new releases the day they come out, as BB has 500 copies in the store
Heh, we must have different communities. In the past, when I actually went to BB once and a while, they still wouldn't have any of the 500 copies in the store. And the employees would always try to weasel out on their "if we don't have it in the store, your next rental is free." This last shining example of customer service was just the icing on the cake. Blockbuster is a horrible company, and I'm happy to never do business there again.
ps- sorry, one more example: I was in a hurry, and I needed to pick up the Seinfeld season 8 box set to give to my fiancee. The only place on my way was a Blockbuster. They had a copy, but for some reason they keep all their box sets behind a locked cabinet (as if they were easier to steal than single DVDs). Nobody in the store had a key to the cabinet. They told me to wait for the manager, who'd be back in five minutes. 15 minutes later he came back late from his break, looked in one drawer, didn't find the key, and basically told me tough luck. Now, I know this isn't a corporate policy problem, but aside from the whole situation being absurd and unnecessary, the employees were all extremely rude, as if I was asking for something completely ridiculous.
Never again!
