Wow, you can get to the toilet on your own? In a UK hospital that would mean you would be shipped off home ASAP!
We don't get to stay all that much longer, but the difference between a flat spacious ward wit a toilet with all sorts of aid doodads and an apartment 2 flights of stairs up with thresholds, no doodads etc etc means they kept me a few days more
Lost the drainage the day after the operation, was able to move from bed to wheelchair to toilet day after that. Was up a bit in a walker table, but found I got a long better with the 4-point cane...
Interesting bit was reading the regional paper that's been running a series on the disastrous state of the orthopedic care while I was inside... Yeah, they're stretched thin, queues in the ER are sometimes insane, and I've seen a couple of guys having to wait a couple of days for MRIs et al as they were no longer acute, keeping them unnecessarily in the hospital.
But on the other hand I have absolutely no complaints whatsoever - OK, they could've gotten to the decision to put in the plate a bit quicker (not that that was what I thought trying to move the leg the first time after waking up after the surgery...
Owwww! Didn't know that the hip held that many muscles, tendons etc that each and all could hurt THAT much - despite meds... )
But I got home Friday afternoon and have had a nice relaxed weekend at home. 