Thank heaven it's replacing the not-quite-classy looking S-Type. But the headlights still remind me of Mitsubishi Eclipse (or maybe something else), just like the new XK rear reminds me of the same. Disconcerting.
The XF seems way too "fat" to resemble the low-and-wide SL or well proportioned BMW. And it looks more like an XK competitor than an S-Type replacement.
Regardless, I'm sure that when I see one on the road, I'll swoon just like I do when I see a new XK (until I realize that it's a new XK and stubbornly recind my gut feeling by saying "Oh, so that's not an Auston Marton.")
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set