Thanks guys... the more I talk to people and get reactions the more it seems like my gut instinct to do it is correct. The rest will sort itself out I guess.
@ Music: Yeah, I've always (well, since moving here) pegged myself as a coastal type and have said on repeated occasions that I never want to live in a land locked state, as has Kelly. But, as long as there is something that fills the void of the ocean at least in the ways I enjoy it, I think I can get over it. I would miss the beach dearly though... i think the sound of the waves is ingrained in my mood. I haven't really thought about how much time I spend near the water... and with flying and kiting... it's a LOT. And the visiting thing is KEY. That definitely made our last stint apart easily bearable.. visiting as often as possible. I hadn't factored that into this coming year yet. But setting some sort of schedule is a great idea. Thanks for that.
@ Jon: You point out something I've just realized. Everyone telling me not to do it says so for selfish reasons! Haha. And you're right about getting back here I guess... many people with fewer resources do it all the time. Just the part about knowing what I WAS paying would kill me.
@ Zeke: You are absolutely right about the outdoors community there. That's why the area reminds me of Boulder so much. Despite the insane housing prices in Boulder, there's a hard core group of outdoors enthusiasts who are broke as hell but make it work just to be in the area. SLC offers some of the most amazing adventures in the country, as well as a few benefits of a larger city. I'm realizing that more and more.
@ Redrum: No regrets right!?
@ Mark: If the relationship doesn't work out, it won't be because I move to Utah. It will be because I don't want to live where Kelly does and visa versa, wherever that may be. You're right on that point. But if you are implying we won't make it through the year, I'd say there's a much larger chance we will than we won't. It's what happens on the other side of the year that determines that.
@ Bitt: Nope. Have to have the permission of the landlords and no way they're giving us that.
@ Dan: Good points. It's going to take a while for Kelly to get established and start making the green, but the combined incomes will help greatly. Hadn't looked at it that way.
Thanks guys. Sometimes you just need a little reassurance. =]