
1) Bachelor party! This is a bit of an odd one. My best man and I are not the drinking, partying types. Neither are a couple other groomsmen, including my fiancee's 19 year old brother. I'm going to be doing something very geeky, which is to set up a projector and play video games on a big screen (wild and crazy, isn't it?). The problem at hand: where do I do it? The issues that make it difficult are that I can't do it where I'm living now or where I'm living starting July 16th, and it has to be somewhere that can take us for the whole evening through the next morning. I thought someone here might have a brilliant idea that I hadn't thought of before.

Where? No idea
But just FYI - we had a joint stag/hen do and all went to an amusement park (Alton Towers in the UK). Don't think we touched alcohol all day - but the last picture we have as fiancees is in front of a guy in a bear suit!!


3) Similar to the last question, does anyone know of software that will help in planning where to place things in a room? This is actually about the move rather than the wedding. I've been using an Excel spreadsheet to approximate a room layout, but it's just not meant for this application.

QCAD is a simple (well, compared to autocad) GPL CAD program that works very well under linux and windows.


I used it to plan my kitchen.
Then I converted it to PoVRAY
Then I rendered it - a lot.

I *may* have gone OTT...

LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's