I have one. I am not as favorable toward it as you. I think it's awful and that "next to nothing" is the only price anyone should pay for one. Maybe around $5. To be fair, though, I think it's the best of the "old generation" of media streaming devices. But everything's relative.

I tried the media streaming route several times. I've gone through a few devices including the PlayatTV and the Avel LinkServer. In my experience, every device has had a hideous interface, is slower than my old 200MHz PC, and doesn't actually do the streaming well at all. Then there's codec issues, bad remotes, and poor product designs. A great summary of my experience: there hasn't been a single streaming media player that I've tried that will cache. They all load songs as they're played, and once one song is over, you have to wait 4-6 seconds until the next one loads. Even worse, some of these units will "correct" this problem by picking up with the music where it should have been if the transition were gapless, so I ended up not hearing the first 4 seconds of every song!

*end rant*

Sorry about that. It's just that I've spent at least a few hundred dollars over the years to get a solution that works. You know what I ended up being the most satisfied with? I have a fantastic LG DVD player that will play XviD files. Now I just load up a DVD-RW with the videos I want to play, and the DVD player makes short work of it. Additionally, the interface is easily four times as fast as any of the units I mentioned before.

My parents, whom I'd gotten the DSM-320 for as a Christmas present, have upgraded to the Apple TV and couldn't be happier with it.

Edited by Dignan (07/06/2007 12:37)