Yeah, certainly a disappointing keynote for me at least. I havn't watched the video yet, so I havn't had the full RDF experience, so maybe my opinions will change.

Ajax? As an SDK? That'll be great for responsiveness, UI, and battery life. Who's brilliant idea was this?

Safari? On windows? I can't stand safari on my mac. Get back to me when they separate the stop and reload buttons.

No new hardware? The only new computer design we've seen since the intel transition is the macbook. The mini is being killed off through lack of updates. The macbook pro got a good but completely incremental update last week. The iSight died months ago and we haven't seen a replacement or new displays? The best case scenario hardware wise is that the rumored new iMac is running late and didn't make it in time for wwdc.

Leopard will be nice, but it'll be late.

Apple has paid a high price for the iPhone. I obviously don't think it's been worth it, maybe others do.
