I'm not that impressed with the new Finder from a feature-addition perspective. I mean, I do like the new eye candy and it doesn't look to be worse from a usability perspective, but most of it is really just gloss.

I didn't have a problem accessing other machines on the network before, but making this more straight-forward for everyone is definitely a good thing. I'm not liking the translucent menu bar - I'm sure we'll be able to change that even if through a third-party hack. Not liking the little shelf the dock sits on too much - it's going to be kind of "weird" when the dock is at the left side of the screen where I keep mine.

I'm really hoping they've improved the speed and accuracy of Spotlight tremendously. And that the wonderful operands usable in Spotlight are also now possible to use in Finder's own "find" - where you can build a complicated query by adding new rules ( "NOT" rules have been sorely missing to allow filtering out certain content).

One thing I've been hoping to see for years which I know I'm likely never to see, is the sorting of folders always at the top of file lists. Windows gets this mostly right, except they scoot to the bottom when you reverse the filename sort (dumb). I'd also love to see selection rules (which includes extending selections) changed to match what Windows is doing - it's done correctly there where Mac OS has always been completely broken in this respect.
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