Hiya, I think there are some knowledgeable Mac users on here so I thought I would air some problems here first.

Firstly, on Friday I went to dump some rubbish in the communal skip for our office block and spotted some Apple boxes. Further investigation bagged me 1x 17" Titanium Powerbook G4 (1.5Gb,100Gb), 1x 15" Powerbook (512Mb/80Gb) and a lovely 15" Macbook Pro (1.8Ghz Core Duo, 1Gb/80Gb). The PB G4's boot up but have display issues (probably cable related), and the 15" G4 has snapped hinges. The MBP starts up, but doesn't boot past the apple logo and rotating thing.

Obviously I really want the MBP working, I can get into single-user mode and fsck fails with "Invalid Volume Header" and "Invalid Node Structure", but I can see the files on the main volume. I have acquired some bootable OSX discs but it doesn't seem to want to boot from any of them, although they are readable in the other machines (but not bootable, presumably because they are x86?). The DVD spins up, seeks around but doesn't do anything. With no hard drive plugged in I just get a grey screen and the DVD drive seeks repeatedly with an OSX DVD loaded. I am not sure how to check whether a DVD can be mounted in single-user mode, and haven't had any luck with various commands.

I have also tried booting off an IDE DVD drive using a USB adapter with no luck. I have plugged the SATA drive into my PC and it appears to be in working order - SMART reports 47 reallocated sectors though.

Sooo.. I think my possible options are:

- Find a firewire cable and use a Powerbook G4 in "target" mode (the 17" has a firewire port, but the superdrive appears to be dead, hopefully I can use the one from the 15"). I have a firewire cable here, but I thought "I'll never use it" and stored it in a "safe place". I can get another one easily though.

- Buy a firewire > IDE adapter to try and boot the DVD from an IDE DVD drive.

- Somehow burn the OSX DVD image to a hard drive, however it seems it needs to be in a GUID partition scheme, which is not an option on the disk utility on the G4!

Whew! Well, any suggestions are welcome, I'd love to get this going myself, it seems to be "almost there".