
Have you guys been watching this Wolf Blitzer / Sanjay Gupta / Larry King stuff that's been happening in the last few days?

I have. Moore acquitted himself quite well in the face of inaccurate "fact-checking" from Gupta, CNN's medical correspondent, who I had previosly felt did remarkable and fair reporting on other issues. Moore's main point, other than correcting the inaccurate figures coming from Gupta, was to ask where all of this fact-checking, distrust, and criticism was in the run-up to and throughout the execution of the war in Iraq, among other issues.

He has a point. Wolf Blitzer and the other CNN zombies are remarkably deferential to whatever spin is coming out of the White House, and has not ever made any effort to "fact check" anything that comes from the government. Their selective hit-job on Moore's film was an unnecessary attempt to appear "balanced" so they didn't piss off Republican viewers who might be angered by the fact that a liberal is actually on their television sets.

Really, it's just another story of media figures being upset at having to actually do their jobs.
- Tony C
my empeg stuff