I've set a couple of links up. I ended up using a cheap 2.4GHz video link and firing that over the link. I simply then aimed the dishes while looking at a portable TV, seemed to work really well.
Hmm. Thats a pretty neat trick. Aiming the dish is still going to be hard but at least you get a near enough instant indication that you're doing it right.
It's pretty good, the best way is to use a Waveform Monitor or oscilloscope instead of a TV then feed a test signal into the link like 2T pulse and bar. Then you accurately assess the noise and high frequency characteristics of the link. If you can pole up and get a really good analogue signal then the digital stuff should be reliable as well.
I spent 12 months doing stuff like this for TV Outside Broadcasts at the beeb and loved every minute of it, shame it all ended.... 
Andy M