I'd like to see some additional correction/adjustment tools added that are well suited for a visual person, not a mathematician or accountant.

They're working on that (finally!).

The latest Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) is actually now a quite usable retouching program, with really good visual feedback as to exactly what most of the controls are doing. I particularly like the ton of new sliders for the sharpening function, and the nifty (and ever so obvious..) "hold the ALT key while adjusting to visually see what each slider actually does" feedback mechanism.

Now they just need to get rid of the even-less-obvious requirement of needing 100% (1:1) view before *any* of the preview changes type of functionalilty works.

I actually paid for the PS-CS3 upgrade just to get hold of ACR. That combo is why I keep exactly one WinXP machine in the stable. But only for printing, as it's all way too tedious for the volume of web pics I manage.


Edited by mlord (18/08/2007 09:55)