If you want a software solution, it wouldn't be too hard to setup a linux box with a sound card. Here are a couple I've found for a project I'm working on, I haven't gotten to the point of the visualization pieces yet, I've only slightly researched it. I'll be trying Synaesthesia first I think, as it's one of the only ones with half decent documentation.
I have moodbar setup already, and I have a nice ruby script which will generate png images to the filesystem... if your interested let me know.


If small is 'in car' then maybe this is not on - but 'in house' then I'd guess a second-hand laptop butchered to fold back on itself like a tablet PC would be the cheapest way to do this.

Hmm, how would you sync displays between multiple devices?

A beowulf cluster... no, stop that

Actually, I quite fancy this idea... mount a laptop screen in a wooden frame and recess into a drywall for a remote picture frame that also does music and video...

LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's