Hey Mark I just tried the
The funny thing is the nextsrc command only toggles between the player and the tuner (or is that because I didn't have anything hooked to the aux in when I tested it?), however I put in
which is the button code on the kenwood rc-600 for the "src" button and then the rio remote "source" acts like the kenwood remote. So the good news is all I had to do is change the ini file and not reprogram the steering wheel adapter. The only drawback is that now it also toggles through AM and then FM but that is no biggie.

This stuff is soo cool, I went back and added this


so now if I want to turn off the player a long button press of the rio remote acts as the original function, but a short press acts like the kenwood remote. Wow you were not kidding when you said "The ir_translate function of the Hijack Kernel is one of it's most powerful features."

Edited by mrfixit (04/09/2007 01:46)
mk2a 60gig green/Greenlights Buttons
mk2a 60gig green/Greenlights Buttons
mk2a 40gig blue no illumination....yet