I have a few problems with the whole global warming thing, but not the problems you're thinking I might have after you've read the first inflammatory phrase of this sentence.

First and foremost, I think the assertions of problems caused by global warming may be greatly understated. Rising ocean temperatures spawning more frequent and more violent hurricanes. Rising sea levels wiping out coastal cities. Desertification of croplands causing worldwide famine. Worldwide famine causing mass migrations. Mass migrations causing wars. BFD.

I want you to give some consideration to the first of the doomsday problems mentioned above: rising ocean temperatures. Does anybody know how great a temperature increase the algae in the ocean can tolerate? Is it important that the algae in the oceans are responsible for more than three quarters of the world's oxygen production?

How about the nay-sayers who state (quite possibly correctly) that human activity is responsible for only three percent of the world's greenhouse gases, so how can that have much effect on the climate? Well, imagine a bucket with a hose feeding water into it, and a hole in the bottom of the bucket that leaks water out at exactly the same rate the hose fills it. Now, increase the output of the hose by three percent and see what happens.

Have you noticed that the people who most vehemently deny that global warming is going to be a big problem are those who have a financial interest in maintaining the status quo?

I'm kinda glad that I'm old and won't live long enough to see humanity reap the bitter harvest of its greed. The rest of you "youngsters" may not be so lucky.

"There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch"