I've bought myself a MediaPC to go with my lovely new Samsung LCD telly. The spec is:

Anyone else doing anything similar?

Another Myth user here
Main TV room:
2.8m electric projector screen with a SANYO-Z5 (no traditional TV downstairs) (the screen was about £80+p+p brand new off eBay.de BTW <grin>)
SPDIF to a Yamaha surround processor with a hifi frontend (Cyrus2, B+W, etc)
Rel Stratus II subwoofer
Oh - the PC is an AMD2000-ish with 1Gb memory and an old (quiet) Nvidia card.
No hard disk - boots from the net.
cheap and nasty DVD drive that works fine!
LIRC (Linux InfraRed C???)

40" rear projector (now 7yrs old!)
Antec Fusion case containing a motherboard with onboard lan/s-video/sound
(also a diskless machine but it has a CPU+some RAM)
Acoustic Energy Aego2 (fantastic)
Also doubles as an alarm clock in the morning
Also IR controlled

1.2Tb RAID6 + lots of system space
dual tuner (DVB-satellite + Sky via s-video hw mpeg2 encoder)
1Gb Ram
The machine is one of the absolute bottom end Dell servers - they did them for £99 a couple of years back... SC420 IIRC
This machine controls the Sky box using an IR transmitter (homebrew lirc)
The master machine wakes up when a recording is due and when a remote frontend is powered on - all the machines do WakeOnLAN so they can be automated.

Currently this machine has about 700 TV programs available. We've not watched live TV (or any adverts) in nearly 3 years now

I also have a 24x7 server that does dns, dhcp, etherboot, email, music+data storage etc. That' s another £99 Dell and it is the network boot master...
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's