Anyone else doing anything similar?

I've got the most convoluted setup right now, but it works for me.
  • Series 1 TiVo in the bedroom - I extract video off this and convert it to Xvids which I put on my file server.
  • Windows File Server - Sits in the closet and just hosts file shares for Video, Pictures, & Music. No media center specific software.
  • MythDora based PC - I used this just to record my OTA HD programming, but due to developments yesterday I may actually retire this.
  • TiVo HD - As of yesterday supports Multi-Room viewing and Tivo To Go. I did an extract, cut the commercials with VideoReDo, and now just want to compare it to what I took off the Myth box. Should be exactly the same though.
  • Media Portal based HTPC - This is the PC that actually sits with the rest of my HT gear. Currently on a 2.0 GHz P4 Dell, but will be buying a new Core 2 Duo Mobo, chip, and HTPC case for it this next week. Right now it plays back all my SD content great, but just doesn't quite cut it for HD. Just has a single 20GB hard drive as all the media comes over the network.

All of this goes to my lovely new Samsung DLP telly.

#040103696 on a shelf
Mk2a - 90 GB - Red - Illuminated buttons