I'd like to add a few things to my emergency temporary backup thankyou. With luck I'll manage to not crash my PC as I do so.
The collection, transportation and deployment of an enormous flight case of equipment into the middle of my garden, under my nose, without me having the first clue was without doubt the greatest feat of underground logistics I've ever seen. As well as the folks who were there to stun me with the surprise on Saturday night, I'm aware that a great many people contributed their time, effort and money and I appreciate it very much.
This gift will go a long way toward restoring a decent lighting rig, but more importantly goes all the way toward motivating me to reimmerse myself in a pastime about which I was passionate. My intention is not to make a whole lot of money from lighting, but rather to have a lot of fun, to share the fun with other like-minded party organisers, and to be able to throw some great events for a lot of people to enjoy. One such event will be the empeg tenth birthday party next summer, and I think it appropriate that I put aside a portion of your generous gift toward one or two special touches for that event. I hope to see many of you there!
I now have a lot of work ahead of me to simulate setups for the new rig, build new power distro, lamp up all the new kit, replace some more of the lost kit (I'm thinking Frickin' Lasers here people) and most importantly, get some gigs. I'm going to love every minute of it!
I've intentionally not thanked anyone by name because I know many people were involved - you guys really don't do things by halves - and I would hate to miss someone. I hope to thank everyone in person eventually; and if you ever need lighting for an event, you know who to come to!