I finally FINALLY got a Wii (thanks wiitracker.com, f*** off scalpers)... but I have no TV. The dusty 13" in the closet and the old 22" hand-me-down don't count.

I'm considering replacing my 8 year old Nokia 445Xpro 21" CRT with a Dell 2707WFP 27" widescreen LCD monitor. The 2707 will give me component and composite input for the Wii, and the 1920x1200 resolution to natively view Wii's 1080p. But I'm not sure it's worth it.

The 2707 would give me an extra 2" high by 7" wide of viewing space. But that's so wide, I'd have to turn my head left or right to see the full 23" screen width. Ok, resolve that by pushing the LCD further away from my face (instead of 16" away like the CRT). But that negates the extra size (height, at least), like having an 80" TV that you sit 20 feet away from. It's all relative.

I do like it's 1920x1200. I've been running 1600x1200 for 8 years and can accept no less. Having that resolution at 27" instead of 24" (like the 2407WFP) means bigger pixels, thus bigger screen contents. Pushing the LCD further away negates that too.

Maybe 27" would make DVDs look better (or remain hurt by the Pioneer DVDR drive), make Wii 1080 more enjoyable, and make my upcoming foray into Half Life 2 (once I get a new computer) look stunning at full resolution. But my 445Xpro still looks great (though lost ~15% brightness over the years). I could try to play Wii through my computer using the Adaptec GameBridge that I bought (cheap, discontinued), if I can hack USB2 into my 6 year old machine (my last attempt failed).

But honestly, the cost per use on a monitor makes the purchase a no brainer. The 445Xpro cost $800 and lasted 8 years, so make the $1000 2707 last ten years. Buy the best and stick with it; quality not quantity.

Any opinions are welcome. I'm just trying to hash this out. Maybe it's just separation anxiety from the CRT I've used for so long.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens, Greenlights Lit Buttons green set