I don't look to Dell for an absolute high quality LCD
I bought 21 of the 1905FP for work and love each one. They have the high quality Samsung panel in them. Ever since, I've read only good things about Dell panels. Reviewers suggest that the 2707 is a Samsung panel, maybe the same one as the Samsung 275T.
The Wii's maximum output is 720x480 (480p)
You're right, I think the Dell monitors can switch to 4:3 by blocking off the sides of the screen. Thanks for correcting me about the Wii resolution. Still, I'd have 1080 for other applications in the future. Or is there some special requirement for a display to be "high def"??
Over 10 years I'd expect it to be around half the bright
That's really bad. My CRT is down about 15% brightness; easily fixed by turning up the brightness knob. Reviews said the Samsung version was much brighter, which could be easily turned down. Problem with the Samsung, the same reviewer said its component input was worse than the Dell... and it doesn't look as nice.
Well, I've got 2.5 years on the 1905's at work and they all still look great. tman, how has the brightness on your Dell widescreens faired over the years? Thanks for your input, I remember reading your threads about these panels in the past.
For years, the monitor I've sworn would replace my 445Xpro is the IBM T221, boasting a "QUXGA-W" resolution of 3840×2400 in only 22.2" widescreen, achieved by fusing together two panels, driven by four DVI cables. I fell in love after reading this article. It's 204 pixels per inch is roughly double the (exactly) 100 pixels per inch on my CRT. That would be a worthy "go big or go home" successor to the 445Xpro... if it didn't cost $10,000.
110gig MKIIa (30+80), Eutronix lights, 32 meg stacked RAM, Filener orange gel lens,
Greenlights Lit Buttons green set