Just saw the latest on SciFi Channel tonight. First, can SciFi please not treat us like driveling idiots with their trivia questions?

Anyway, wow. Where to begin?

- The old-school Cylons were also experimenting with human/machine hybrids and built an early prototype of the current base-star design, complete with a human-hybrid driving the boat. Otherwise, they held onto their old designs for the past forty years. Nice shout-out with a view into the cockpit of a Cylon raider. "By your command." Cute.

- The new-school Cylons know vaguely about the old-school Cylons, but the two variants basically forked forty years ago and didn't interact much.

- New-school Cylons would kick the ass of old-school Cylons.

- The old-school hybrid forecast that Starbuck is going to lead the humans astray. False prophet. That sort of thing. This was before she died.

- The foreshadowing for season 3 painted Starbuck as the final Cylon plant.

Oh, and season 3 starts in March. (Hopefully. Asuming the writer's strike doesn't screw everything up.) Random speculation follows:

- We now "know" who all the Cylons are. That means we still have no clue what's up with Baltar. Given that we're now aware of (at least) two different camps of Cylons, it could be the case that Baltar was created by the other camp, as opposed to some breakaway faction. However, the old-school Cylons seemed much less adept at the whole hybrid process. Their appearance was, for the most part, a shout-out to everybody wondering what happened to the classic toasters.

- That means we still don't know all that much about the origin of the human-esque Cylon clones, or about their posthumous reincarnation, or about a lot of the other assorted dangling questions.