I'm continuing this old thread since it's on-topic and because it's vaguely relevant to some points I want to raise about the current episodes. Okay, here we go.

At this point, we now know a bunch of crazy new facts:

- Earth really did happen, and it was occupied 2000 years ago by a breakaway Cylon colony. Then the bastards nuked themselves, yet a few of them somehow managed to be reborn in the current generation.

- And how the frak did this somehow end up in the Book of Pythia?

- We have some evidence that Col. Tigh's wife was the secret fifth Cylon. But then what the frak with the resurrection of Baltar and of Starbuck? Is there some uber Cylon human copying machine out there in the universe that we haven't seen yet?

- Oh, and the ancient Cylons (not to be confused with Razor's 'by your command' Cylons) also managed to somehow reinvent humanoid variants of themselves, except these ones had some kind of real genetic diversity, could reproduce, and so forth. This seems to be wildly in conflict with what we thought we knew, which is that current Cylons only recently sorted out how to evolve from toasters to humanoids. Either we're talking about reinventing the wheel, or the reborn ancient Cylons have been pulling strings to manipulate the current-generation Cylons.

- Oh, and Starbuck's toasted Viper, from when she blew it to smitherines, somehow showed up on Earth. What the frak with Starbuck's whole resurrection story, anyway?

I can't wait for all this fraking story to start making sense. At least all the fraked up politics are perfectly believable.