I'm sorry if nobody cares, but the G5 froze again last night after running for a couple days without an issue. Somehow, through much googleing, I came across
this info. I know I looked for firmware updates for this thing, but I was only able to find updates pertaining to the 1.8GHz G5 through Apple's search engine.
I will load this firmware tonight, but I don't know why that couldn't have been done automatically. Since there are so few possible Apple configurations relative to a PC, couldn't the OS automatically update the firmware without much trouble? Abit motherboards can do this from within Windows.
I'm seeing posts on forums from a while ago about Logitech mice freezing OS X. I assume this is only if using the Logitech software. Does anyone have more info on this? I have a Logitech mouse hooked up, but I'm not using any driver other than what's built in to OS X. I have an Apple Pro Mouse around, but that is the worst mouse I have ever used. I can imagine the original iMac puck is worse, but I've never even touched one.
I also have a D-Link USB Bluetooth dongle hooked up that I'm wary of. If the firmware doesn't help, I'll have to start auditing all my hardware or maybe downgrade to Tiger.