We plan to use many of the official shots (and others from friends) in a slideshow for the reception we're holding here when we get back (over 100 ppl who would not have been in Portugal with us). We'll also have our own from traveling the rest of the trip of course.

The point Mark makes is totally valid and something I also anticipated. Neither of us is interested in hanging a dozen images of the wedding around the house and while parents and close relatives will want to see as many as they can, they too would likely only want a couple of prints to keep up/out.

I collected all the digital images from various cameras at my brother's wedding and so far have over 1800. That doesn't include any from the official photographer yet. That number will probably be cut right in half and then maybe in half again once I've had the opportunity to go through and edit out the lesser images. For now HD space is available so it's no big deal to keep them all. Every now and then someone needs an image and I whip through in LightRoom to find something and export out a corrected jpg for them.

Having so many images also creates a good colour patch library for making photo mosaics. Which honestly, I've never done before.

I found a couple of links with tips/questions for choosing a photographer. I'll prepare some introductory emails to go out this weekend to the first batch of photographers I've found.
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