I think the whole idea is a nightmare. Anything that makes drivers need to think less and de-skills them over the long term is bad news.

That's pretty much the standard reaction to any new automotive technology.

True. However I would argue that your examples are all to do with the mechanics of driving.

Automatics gearboxes, cruise controls, automatic distance controls, automatic braking are different. They are due to the thinking of driving.

Having to think about which gear you should be in keeps you think about what you are doing, encourages you to keep making decisions, as opposed to just sticking it in drive. Automatic distance control is going to give people less practice at judging distances, which is a shame because when the come to need to judge distances in circumstances where the automatic distance control can't help them they are going to find that they aren't as good at it if they had had more on going practice.
Remind me to change my signature to something more interesting someday