I think the whole idea is a nightmare. Anything that makes drivers need to think less and de-skills them over the long term is bad news. Most people don't think enough when they are driving as it is.
After reading about the smart highway projects, I must say that the idea appeals to me for long trips and maybe even city driving. I wouldn't be surprised if eventually, all cars will effectively become little mobile lounges that folks can sit in and never worry about driving since that would all be controlled by computer (in the road and in the car). Although, I bet that current public transportation methods would overcome such a design first. Smart roads would certainly reduce accidents caused by inatention, sleepiness or drunkenness. We may even be able to see some of this in some of our own lifetimes.
RioCar MK][a 20GB+80GB
'96 Saab 900s (Not any more)
Still looking for a good way to install in a 2010 BMW 3 series with iDrive/NAV