Originally Posted By: julf

I plead guilty (again! guilty!) to assassin name dropping, but I had never seen this flick. I will have to get it.

I haven't found an Internet shrine of celluloid assassins, but I would think somebody needs to build it. Bronson was OK in _The Mechanic_, but I remain much more impressed by Edward Fox in the _Day of the Jackal_ and I think Von Sydow is the ultimate in _Three Days of the Condor_

Don't anybody go nominating The Terminator. To qualify you have to be completely indie and not pre-programmed.

A tip of the sawed-off shotgun to Javier Bardem for his work in _No Country for Old Men_. An imperfect film, but Javier was completely worth the price of admission.

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.