Okay, I'm not going crazy

Right, well I've been out in the car again just to try that test once more to be sure. Shorting out the collar and tip of the stalk remote connector does not give me any output at all on the Button Codes Display or serial console with the debug options enabled. I've checked the wiring of the stalk remote line, and its okay. The cable is not broken either, all the traces are fine and its all connected the right way with no crossed wires as per the tuner assembly guide PDF.
With trace_tuner and stalk_debug both enabled on my player, shorting the cables for the ring and the collar (Shift) gives me the following on the console:
tuner: in=02
tuner: in=01
tuner: in=ff
tuner: in=00
stalk: in=0201ff00
tuner: in=02
tuner: in=00
tuner: in=ff
tuner: in=ff
stalk: in=0200ffff
Stalk: in=02 00 ff ff == no button
It gives me nothing on the Hijack Button Codes display.
I've attached the dmesg output from my Empeg in the car, but don't see anything broken in there really.
Whats my next step? If I can't get this basic test working, is there definitely something up with my Tuner? Could I send it over to someone to have a look at? Patrick?