Originally Posted By: Dignan
Actually, the very first attached image in the thread is of the Airport's security setup. There is only one option, and that's what type of encryption to use.

Oh yeah...

Originally Posted By: Dignan
Oh, and I'm using DD-WRT version 23 sp2. That would explain why I'm not seeing "repeater bridge." If that truly is WDS, like Tom is suggesting (although there's a whole separate WDS section), then I hear that this severely cuts down on the wireless transmission speed. By half, right?

Yes. You don't want that. WDS basically makes one big access point from multiple units at the expense of bandwith. What you're trying to do is just give wireless access to a particular device. I'm sure you want "client bridge".

Originally Posted By: Dignan
Another question: should the Linksys have the same SSID as the Airport. I guess it doesn't really matter, since it's not set up (in my case) to share a wireless connection, but I thought I'd make sure.

Unlikely since you say it works without the security. As you said it's a security thing and I agree with that. When connecting to the Airport from another device like a laptop does it tell you anything useful as to security settings etc? TKIP, AES etc etc?
#40104192 120Gb (no longer in my E36 M3, won't fit the E46 M3)