Originally (as I said) I was going to build it into a sealed toughened glass unit but changed my mind since I thought this would look nicer and I realised that it didn't get too humid up there and dries out nicely.

The glass was so easy in this situation that it was a no-brainer.
It's a lot more visible in the picture than in real-life - you just don't see it.

Still, glad to hear you're not having issues - I took the same approach - in 36 months (after the warranty is up) a 24" LCD will be even cheaper if it does die.

I had an old 2'x3'x4' chipboard cupboard that I was going to bin. I put it in the loft across the beams and it holds the £10 (eBay) amp - no idea what brand - a reasonable hifi separates one - and the £35 Dell GX240 (eBay).
I have a triple switch outside and one of them switches a relay that turns a circuit live. The whirlpool pumps some lights and some attic sockets are on that circuit. *Everything* in the bathroom is run off a dedicated RCD too.

I did need to make sure the LCD comes on when you apply power - it does smile
The Dell (and most BIOSes) have an option for what to do when power is applied - so switching the PSU on at the mains causes it to start booting.
LittleBlueThing Running twin 30's