Thanks everyone for your suggestions.

I've done a lot of reading and thinking about my needs and planned usage, and keeping an eye on price. Here are some of my thoughts:

* Text to speech has become a must have requirement, so that pushes me to the Garmin nüvi 260 ($268) or TomTom One XL S ($350) at minimum.
* Bluetooth has fallen to "meh" status because I am still going to need an earpiece for long phone calls outside of the car - so why pay twice? Yes I know it would still have some use, but I've also spoke to some users & read reviews that give it a thumbs down on quality.
* Traffic is something I'd like to investigate more, though it would be $60/year for the service. For those considering traffic, you might want to purchase one with the antenna already included as they list for $160 to $214 as an accessory, while the delta between comparable units with and without is pretty small. Unfortunetly that feature would bump me up to the nüvi 370 ($454) or 750 ($420, for some reason the 750 is much cheaper then the 680 ($625) or 760 ($557), it is only lacking bluetooth).
* Screen size: TomTom wins here with 4.3" diagonal, with Garmin having 3.5" and 4.4". But getting 4.4" with text-to-speech would run $70 more then a TomTom.

I am at the stage now where I need to play with a few in Bestbuy to see what the interfaces are like.
Thanks all.

*All prices are from Amazon, there might be cheaper prices out there.