First of all I just came across this site. Wow I didn't know there was a site like this. I thought I was the only one with a rio central anymore.

I just wanted to say that I had problems like nicky also with wma files that are sold online and are without drm. I use jemplode, so I don't think it's a software thing.
What I did to fix the problem was reencode the wma files at the exact same bit rate to the same wma file.
So for example 256 kps wma file ->to-> 256kps wma file using any regular encoder. Afterwards, it seems to be able to transfer to the rio central.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but encoding to the same bit rate (256 to 256 wma) hopefully does not degrade the wma file as it would if you changed the bit rate or convert them to a mp3 file, since you are encoding to the same bit rate and same type of file.