Originally Posted By: hybrid8
3 KiloBytes/second is a reasonable real-world expectation for dial-up without line or connection problems.

My parents have dial-up which costs more than light high-speed service but only because they still can't get any high speed where they are. However their connection is ultra-crap due to bad line conditions. When the weather gets a bit better and I have some time to test and document everything I'm going to tear the phone company a new one about this. I think a year of free service would be the least they could offer as compensation.

Phone Company: Sir if we detect a problem in your house you will be charged do you want us to proceed with a test?

You: Yes, I just told you that you have crappie lines and I demand they be fixed.

Phone Company: I just ran a test and your lines are not down you should be able to make a call.

You: I told you I can make a call but I can’t connect very well to the internet using my ISP

Phone Company: Sir, what is Mr. ISP’s number and I’ll check his lines.

You: Its not a who its my Internet Service Provider

Phone Company: Sorry we’re showing that broad band internet service is not available in your area. Can I help you with anything else today?

You: “Bang” (your head explodes)