Originally Posted By: drakino
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I think it's the most attractive remote anyone has made yet.

And yet they still put a dedicated channel up and down button on it. Didn't that go out of use when basic cable came out ages ago? Dedicated volume I can understand, but really, who goes through channel by channel to get to what they want with enough frequency to demand a dedicated button set?

I can agree with you to some extent, but I would point out that the channel up/down buttons have mostly started to double as page up/down buttons, and those are buttons I use all the time in on-screen guides and particularly in my 8-page Now Playing list on my Tivo (and that's with folders). Sure, I'd rather see PG on the remote than CH, but it doesn't really bug me too much. Not if my remote looked like that.

And there's another argument: it doesn't matter what the buttons are labeled. I have an older Pronto, and my channel up button is programmed as a "home" button, always going back to the main macro screen. My channel down button changes duties based on where you are. I know, the label on the remote is annoying in that case, but again, it doesn't bother me.

Oh, and I apologize for totally hijacking the thread from the person asking a question. Sorry about that...