I still don't think America will vote for a female nor a black president. G.W. Bush won *twice.* If it wasn't obvious how much of a babbling buffoon he was prior to the first election, surely it was common knowledge by the time the second one rolled around.
Vote for? We don't vote "for" anything, we vote "against". Some people might vote against a black or female president, but in reality, those people are going to be so socially conservative that they'd never have voted for a Dem, anyway, and it's no real loss. For anyone else, it's just going to boil down to how much you can't stand one of the parties. I'm not voting Dem -- I'm voting anti-Republican. If the party you're not voting against actually fields a candidate you like, it's purely coincidence. It'll be like this as long as we have a two-party stranglehold on the system.