I'll try and work out a metal can or shield for the breakout board, as well as digging out some ceramic discs.
Okay, I added some ceramics on the power pins (of the FT232RL board, not the chip itself), and put a bead onto the VCCIO line, and looped the motor wires a few times around another bead.
It merely fails more often with that setup.

Oh well. Still worth trying. Some series resistance in te CBUS lines might help. The issue is that you're still not 100% certain "where" it's getting in exactly.
Is that with the 1000uF still in place?
Isn't the point of breadboarding to work out the bugs *before* you go to PCB?
To some extent yes, but when you're having EMI/EMC issues, using breadboard/veroboard you can't always fix things. It does let you "play" with solutions much easier though.
Things like radiated/conducted emissions can be greatly affected merely by PCB layout. Short (and long) tracks can make massive differences. And immunity is often closely related to emissions.