Originally Posted By: drakino
Originally Posted By: Dignan
I think that PC should have no problems at those resolutions. I had my 3.2GHz machine with a much older video card playing HD content just fine.

Thats the problem with slapping the HD label on everything. Processing power needed to decode a 1280x720 MPEG2 at 1.5 MBit and a 2 channel MP3 audio stream is wildly different then a 1920x1080 H.264/AVC at 30 Mbit with a 7.1 lossless audio stream, but both come under the "HD" label because people only look at resolution.

I understand your point, but I didn't state what kind of content I was playing. I was able to play content like that, though it pushed the envelope of the machine's capabilities and made the fans whir, so it wasn't preferable. Still, it could play it, which was my point that his machine shouldn't have much trouble.