Originally Posted By: mlord
I'm sure a real shell wizard could do a lot better, but at least this is bulletproof:
# capitalize first letter of all items in current directory:
ls -1 | awk '{gsub("\"","\\\""); system("mv \"" $0 "\" \"" toupper(substr($0,1,1)) substr($0,2) "\"")}'

Translated to human-speak, it breaks down as follows:
  • Standard shell script header:
  • List directory contents, one item per line:
    ls -1
  • Feed the directory listing into an awk program:
    | awk '{ ... }'
  • Insert a backslash in front of any/all double-quotes within file names, so that we can then safely use then inside double-quoted expressions in the program:
  • Execute a new command line, using mv to rename things:
    system("mv " OLD " " NEW)
  • OLD and NEW are in this case, double-quoted file names. The OLD name is simply the current line of input to the awk program, known as $0. Double-quoted, this becomes:
    "\"" $0 "\""
  • The NEW name is built from two parts: the first character of the OLD name, substr($0,1,1), and the rest of the OLD name, substr($0,2). Again, double-quoted:
    "\"" toupper(substr($0,1,1)) substr($0,2) "\""
  • Put it all together, and we see this:
    system("mv " "\"" $0 "\"" " " "\"" toupper(substr($0,1,1)) substr($0,2) "\"")
  • We can collapse adjacent double-quoted strings together, to simplify it somewhat:
    system("mv \"" $0 "\" \"" toupper(substr($0,1,1)) substr($0,2) "\"")

And that's the final result. smile