Originally Posted By: mlord
And that's the final result. smile

Or this version, for folks who find one-liners difficult: smile

# capitalize first letter of all items in current directory:
ls -1 | awk '
        ## This script gets run once for each line of output from the "ls -1" command.
                space = " "             ## a space character
                dquote = "\""           ## a double-quote character
                backslash = "\\"        ## a backslash character

                ## Each line of input ($0) is a new file name to convert:
                old_name = $0

                ## Insert backslashes in front of any " characters inside the file name,
                ## so that they are preserved when we later invoke system() on it:
                gsub(dquote, backslash dquote, old_name)

                ## Extract the first character of the file name:
                first_char = substr(old_name,1,1)

                ## And the rest of the characters:
                the_rest = substr(old_name,2)

                ## Don't try to rename unless the first character is a lowercase letter:
                if (first_char ~ "[a-z]") {
                        ## Assemble the new file name:
                        new_name = toupper(first_char) the_rest

                        ## Issue a command to rename the file:
                        rename = "/bin/mv"
                        system(rename space dquote old_name dquote space dquote new_name dquote)