Originally Posted By: tman
How valuable are the photos on the card?

Well, it was my first trip to England, and the first time I've met those particular relatives, and even my Aunt hasn't seen them in about 15 years. Vacation photos, they may be, but I'd like them back, as I have no other copies.[/quote]

What did you do to the card in the first place to kill it that badly...

I have absolutely no idea. I took photos on the card, and when the card was full, swapped it out for the next card, and put the full card in the little plastic carrying case. A couple days later, and a couple train-rides later, I went to download the photos, and... nada. The only thing I did that was remotely unusual that I can think of, is that I went into a Sainsbury's supermarket and walked past the shoplifter sensor thingy by the door. Mind you, I entered other stores with them -- both before using the card, and after it died -- and never had any ill effects.