As you already said, the people who can say won't. Jobs said day one that a 3G phone would come eventually, so the existence of it isn't really a surprise.

With how well they kept the initial iPhone detailed bottled up, down to only announcing the official launch date a few weeks ahead of time, I highly doubt much info will be out there till it is nearly out.

Never trust a rumor site period. Sure, they sometimes get things right, but they also make a lot of blind guesses. The only times I have seen properly reliable info from them is the few days right before an event or product launch, but even then the info can be wrong or a hoax.

For me, I may get the 3G iPhone when it launches, but it mostly will depend on the data plan price. $20 is pretty much my limit, so if it goes up, I'll probably keep my existing unit and plan. The hardware cost of the iPhone really isn't all that much when factored against how much you pay monthly over the lifetime of the product.