The UK has had 3G for a while now and coverage is still patchy in places. However, it's hardly ever a problem as most of the phones just jump back to 2G. My N95 is the first 3G phone i've owned and for data stuff it just switches seamlessly between the two systems as and when they become available. Video calls are 3G only, but i think it's still a bit of a gimmick, i've only made two video calls since i got it.

I've always said, if i could get a 3G iPhone on orange i'd probably get one. Especially now the SDK is out. Although i think my next phone will be the HTC Tytn II. Windows mobile is crappy, but now Trolltech have got a version of Qt that runs on it, i can finally port the frontend of my control system to it without much fuss (it's all written it Qt 4).

Andy M