You can build it into your trunk and nobody will ever know it's installed in your car. Believe me, this is a good thing.
I agree with you there. Stealth is an important factor in keeping your stereo installation secure.

It sure is. I've got a setup worth about $4500+ in the trunk of my car, but all you can see of it are two speakers in the shelf underneath the rear window (what car doesn't have that nowadays?)
I can see the advantages of a self containing unit, the most important indeed being able to take it with you anywhere you want. But inside the house I've got a PC for that and for outside the house there's always those mp3 walkmans (archos 6000, neo jukebox, etc...). They can be fitted with a 30gig hd nowadays, and that should be enough...until the 40gig 2.5" hd's arrive.

I DO NOT like the way the empeg has to be completely removed 'to be safe'. A removable front piece would have been nice.
Removable front pieces are not safe. I had a removable-face CD player stolen.

I'm sorry to hear that. Even when the face plate was detached? Oh well, I guess nothing is safe, but you must admit it does create a barrier for the thief, and therefor he probably will walk past your car.

I know, for me the most ideal solution would be an empeg combined with my current HU but, as I've said before, this is not possible due to practical issues.
So then for me the next best thing is a trunk-mounted setup, connected to my HU. I would not want to get rid of my current HU because it's really a very good one with loads of ways to perfect the sound included (like an EQ and much, much more)

I've said it before and I'll say it again : if empeg would release that autochanger emulator, I would probably be all over it, mostly also because it would be an empeg product and as such provide a certain guarantee about the quality.
My second choice would be the Phatbox by Phatnoise, because it uses 2.5" hd's and should connect to my own HU. (but like things are standing now, this thing won't be released for another year). So my third option is an Mstation. Not the best player around, but for my needs the best option (come to think of it, there aren't many other options left anymore - this car mp3 market certainly isn't booming)

Riocar 80gig S/N : 010101580 red
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