Originally Posted By: tfabris
Make sure you don't have problems with the wiring on the docking connector (wires inside the player going from the connector to the motherboard)
The wires appear to be OK
make sure you don't have a loose screw rattling around inside the player shorting out components
I didn't find any
Make sure the docking connector itself is tightly screwed down (it has special screws that allow it to wiggle even when the screws are tight)
Screws are tight with a slight wiggle to the connector
Also make sure there isn't a piece of crud stuck in the docking connector wedged in where the pin connections are made.
No crud noticed

As the player just sits in the dock it reboots or just restarts and then it will be fine for a minute then it does it again also sometimes ill see the battery icon flash on the player.This happens both in the car and in the hone dock.
I think I even heard it beep like a computer motherboard beeps.

EDIT:Ok i'm definately hearing beeps from the player now.

Edited by newguy1 (03/05/2008 23:46)