Originally Posted By: Boelle
well expo is writing about HSS.. but either way if the tap breaks or snaps i will just order from the other source

sorry for beeing so quick at ordering

for me it seems strange to use two differnt kinds of metal in the same set.. mu guess is that they just have mixed up the words (with happens a lot these days)

No, that's pretty normal: HSS for drills is standard now. But carbon steel for taps is common, because it makes them easier to manufacture, and expo is selling to the plastic modeling crowd who don't have particularly high demands there.

All of my existing taps here use tungsten steel, which is harder even than HSS (but more brittle).

But for one hole in soft metal, the carbon steel one should work, so long as it doesn't snap off on me (Mmm.. less than 2mm thick.. Mmm..).
