Originally Posted By: mlord

Pretty simple, actually:
  • I have K+Ubuntu 8.04 "Hardy Heron" installed on the CF card now, with all of my fav goodies, including a full empeg/Hijack build system etc..
  • Plus VMware and some VMs for that other O/S, so that SWMBO can access her Italian language s/w (web based, IE-only).
  • At boot time, we now have two choices: boot/run from the CF card, or..
  • Boot from CF, but run with a tmpfs (RAM) overlay on it, so nothing gets written to the drive unless we really want that to happen.

This is more or less what all of the LiveCD's do, except simpler.

Unless you really want it too???

I may be reading too much into this but, Does this mean that at the end of a session you have the choice to commit the current ram overlay onto the CF, that it will become the new boot state?