It can't get much more personal than this - if you have a support problem you can hassle me; if you have a marketing problem you can hassle TimE. So, you have direct access to the empeg operations manager and the Rio product manager. As it happens you also have direct access to the director of engineering (linux appliances), the lead programmer, most of the development team and the customer service team leader. Indirectly your email and BBS feedback also gets seen by more people at operational and executive levels than you might expect.
The international sales situation is a huge pain and everyone in the product group are motivated to get products into the Rio UK store as quickly as possible. We had a lot worse delays than this when we were empeg, but it is more frustrating to have taken an apparant step backward in this respect. On the other hand, when our online sales and dealer networks are up to speed the product will have a better sales infrastructure than ever before.