Originally Posted By: Dignan
(...hogan...)True, it's not ideal, but the sneakernet method requires the same conditions. I was going to suggest the printer sharing as well, but I'm not quite sure how to do that in a Mac/Windows environment.

If you turn on Windows sharing on the Mac it should appear but I confess I haven't tried it as we are trying to get away from such setups.

The only thing I can think of that would make it easy is Bonjour, but I only know how to use that with a printer attached to an airport extreme. I believe it would work almost the same way though, wouldn't it?

It may be enough to have Windows sharing turned on. From what I have seen of bonjour I'd say it coule be swell for a home office (but hell in a larger environment where people wind up discovering and printing to the wrong, fuzzily-named printers -- "I *think* 'Hallway Laserjet' is the printer I want send this 300-page document to!!")

Thanks for the link to the print server, by the way. I hadn't seen one that inexpensive before. I only have two caveats about it, though: first, it seems to get pretty low customer ratings on Newegg (not always the deciding factor, but something to keep in mind), and second,

We bought one of those Netgears to bypass a failed JetDirect card and it seems OK, but don't take my word for it.
in my experience I've never gotten a print server that inexpensive to work with a multifunction printer.

It is my opinion that noone should ever buy a multifunction, "all-in-one" printer/fax/scanner with the expectation that it will work with any computer other than the one computer to which it is directly attached (via USB, mostly nowadays). There's always a gotcha. "Note: the XXX function will not work over ethernet or from a Mac except via USB"

It's definitely advised that Doug check out a compatibility list first if he has one of those print/scan/fax/coffee/taxes/lawnmowing things.


Anyway, I'd take a look at Bonjour, as unfortunately I have no idea what those files are smile

'Tis the exceptional fellow who lies awake at night thinking of his successes.